About us

About us

At ShoeFit.uk, we provide footwear for healthier lower limbs, comfort, and style. We also guide you towards choosing the appropriate style in the correct size, for footwear that meets your needs. Whether you’re looking for footwear to help with a medical condition, or just want something for everyday wear, shopping with us is a simple step-by-step process to help you choose with confidence.

The ShoeFit.uk experience.

How shopping with us is different.

Tagging system.

Every pair of footwear on our website has been marked with tags that can be found under “additional information” on the product page.

Fitting assistant.

Our innovative fitting assistant converts some basic measurements of your feet into personalised suggestions, based on your unique needs.

Personal shopping appointment.

For those who prefer a bit of help, you can arrange a free video call with one of our dedicated shoe-fitters. Receive valuable advice and a visual breakdown of your chosen footwear.

Our expertise.

What we do and how long we've been doing it for.

The information that you see as you browse our shop has been based on over 40 years of combined shoe-fitting experience. We are award-winning shoe-fitters who have seen countless patients and customers, and therefore understand the finer details when it comes to finding the perfect footwear.

Our work with medical professionals, institutions, charities, and brands has allowed us to see the benefits to healthy feet, and the importance of helping those who need specific footwear. We have a close working relationship with The Royal College of Podiatry, as well as partnerships with podiatrists and other medical professionals across the UK.

Jonathan Varnavas (Director of ShoeFit.uk/Shoe-fitter).

Our inventory.

A little about the footwear that we stock.

Our range is hand-selected every season from over 20 brands. We physically examine each shoe we see, and unless it meets our strict quality standards, we do not stock it.

Some of the brands we stock do not supply to the UK. However, because of our partnerships and expertise, we have made them available to you. We stock brands whose footwear exists solely to help relieve the symptoms of common foot-health related issues, such as bunions and plantar fasciitis. Others are committed to making high-quality footwear using traditional construction methods. Whatever the case may be, we have taken what we think is the best from each brand, and combined it into one seamless collection for you to browse and find your footwear solutions.

Our goals.

The impact we want to make on the footwear industry.

For those who are unable to see a professional shoe-fitter in person, or do not have the means of finding adequate footwear for their feet, we want to be the bridge to better foot health.

Shopping online for footwear can be problematic for both the customer and the retailer. With our bespoke systems, we want to provide a shopping experience that allows the customer to get it right the first time.

For patients who are concerned about their foot health and do not know where they can consult a professional, we want to be able to advise them of where to go.

Seeing many patients over the years has led us to believe that there are people who are not aware of their own foot health. Either this, or they are hesitant about their symptoms. Being a resource for information on foot health is in our opinion, one step to avoiding long-term health impacts.

It’s great that there are so many brands out there, but there are only so many that offer the service that is needed for healthy feet. Finding these takes a great deal of time and effort, and even then, their products may not be available in the UK. For our customers, we want to be a retailer that has done all the hard work, so they can focus more on the style that they like.


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